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Six amazing vegan-friendly restaurants located in cool places

On a trip to Paris in the early 1990s I was once served a plate of grated carrot as a starter, swiftly followed by a plate of lettuce, complete with an artistic swirl of vinaigrette, as the main course. The restaurant didn’t know what to do with me. Apart from the comedy value, it was a culinary disaster saved only by the beautiful historic surroundings of the River Seine.

As I travel to cities in Europe and the US for my work, I like to take a moment to visit a local site of interest, see a famous building or discover a long-lost fact about an old street. I also like to eat. It just so happens I am a vegan, so my restaurant choices are limited but it has rarely been a problem. In fact, in many instances it has been inspirational, not just for the quality of food and service but for their location and ambiance.

Here, in no particular order of preference, are six of my favourite vegan-friendly eateries in locations of cultural interest.


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A Vegan Trip: 10 restaurants. 10 locations of cultural & historical interest

Ziggy Stardust, Martin Luther King Jr, Horatio Nelson, Gregory Peck, Keats, Dr Seuss, Oliver Cromwell and Michelangelo are just some of the names encountered while going in search of something vegan to eat.

Called A Vegan Trip, the book chronicles the author’s travels in Europe and the US during 2018. He travelled to 10 locations, including Bath, London, San Diego, Atlanta, Washington, Rome, Berlin, Bologna, Langport and Oxford. Restaurants visited include Il Margutta in Rome, The Green Rocket Café in Bath, The Trilogy Sanctuary in La Jolla and The Turf Tavern in Oxford.

“Before I go anywhere, I do two things. I search for vegan-friendly places to eat and any interesting facts about the location,” says Marc Ambasna-Jones. “It means I can pack two of my favourite pastimes into one outing. Every street seems to tell a story and some are quite surprising. We tend to know the big stuff when we travel but sometimes it’s the hidden stories in the buildings or street corners that capture the imagination. That can include old movie locations, such as Roman Holiday on the beautiful Via Margutta in Rome or the Dr Seuss trees in La Jolla.”

“In terms of vegan eating I am still learning. My 20-year-old daughter convinced me to try a vegan diet and it’s really worked for me so far. It may not be for everyone but what it does do is concentrate the mind and reconnect with food and nutrition. As a result, we as a family cook more and experiment with ingredients. The biscuit intake has gone down though, which sadly, is probably a good thing.”

A Vegan Trip: 10 restaurants. 10 locations of cultural and historical interest. One vegan in training. is available for download on the Amazon Kindle.